Awareness Technology, Inc. (U.S.A.)

ผู้ผลิตเครื่องอ่านผล ELISA และเครื่องล้างเพลทจากสหรัฐอเมริกา ใช้งานง่าย ประสิทธิภาพสูง และราคาย่อมเยาว์

Statfax 4700 ELISA standalone strip reader

• Microstrip reader with bi-chromatic photometer system, works with both break-apart and non-break-apart strips
• Easy to use with touch-screen display and built in printer
• Selectable plate formatting will read trays containing microwell strips
• Monochromatic or bichromatic reading
• Uses standard microwell plates for all reactions
• open system
• Four filter model (405 nm - 630 nm)
• Optional 6 filter VIS model (405 nm - 630 nm)

ChroMate 4300
PC controlled ELISA microplate reader

• Measures Absorbance of 96 wells in approximately 12 seconds
• User-friendly intuitive software
• Automatically positions plate, blanks, reads and calculates results
• Uses standard microwell plates for all reactions
• Four filter model (405 nm - 630 nm)
• Optional 6 filter VIS model (405 nm - 630 nm)

Dri-Dye® Check Strips

• Strips are used to verify proper calibration, precision and linearity
• Wells contain precise measurement of Dri-Dye
• Wells are hydrated using 200 µL of DI water automatically corrects for imprecision in water pipetting
• Wavelengths available 405 nm, 450 nm, and 492 nm
• Strips work with bi-chromatic readers capable of reading either 1-12 and A-H directions